Important points:
Pseudo Code:
FindHeight(root) {
- Height of tree = Number of edges in longest path from root to leaf
- Height of a node = Number of edges in longest path from the node to a leaf node
- Depth of a node = Number of edges in path from root to that node
- Height of above tree is 3. Longest path is F -> B -> D -> E
- Height of Node E is 0 and depth is 3.
- Depth of node B is 1 and height is 2.
Pseudo Code:
FindHeight(root) {
if(root is NULL)
return -1; // return 0 if you want to count the node in the path
leftHeight <- FindHeight(root -> left)
rightHeight <- FindHeight(root -> right)
return max(lefHeight, rightHeight) + 1
public class BinTreeHeight {
static int max(int hl, int hr) {
if(hl > hr) {
return hl;
return hr;
static int treeHeight(Node n) {
int hl = 0;
int hr = 0;
if(n == null) {
return -1;
hl = treeHeight(n.left);
hr = treeHeight(n.right);
return max(hl, hr) + 1;
public static void main(String a[]) {
Node binTree = new Node(
new Node(null, null, 5),
new Node(
new Node(null, null, 6),
new Node(null, null, 9),
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