1. Datatypes in Python:
- None
- Numeric
- float -> 1.5
- int -> 5
- complex -> 2+5j
- bool -> True/false
- Sequence
- List -> [3,5,6,7,1]
- Tuple -> (3,5,6,7,1)
- Set -> {3,5,6,7,1}
- String -> "Akshay"
- Range
- range(5) -> range(0, 5)
- list(range(5)) -> [0,1,2,3,4]
- list(range(2,10,2)) -> [2,4,6,8]
- Dictonary
- product_price = {'book': 50, 'pen': 300, 'eraser': 10}
- product_price.get('book') -> 50
- bin(28) -> 0b11100
- oct(28) -> 0o34
- hex(28) -> 0x1c
3. Swap two numbers in Python
a = 5
b = 6
- Method #1:
a, b = b, a
- Method #2
a = a + b
b = a - b
a = a - b
4. "math" module in python
import math
- math.sqrt(25) -> 5.0
- math.floor(2.5) -> 2.0
- math.ceil(2.5) -> 3.0
- math.pow(2, 3) -> 8.0
- math.pi -> 3.141592653589793
- math.e -> 2.718281828459045
5. How to import a module in python
- import math
- import math as m
- from math import sqrt, pow
from sys import argv
x = int(argv[1])
y = int(argv[2])
z = x + y
7. Print below pattern in Python
str1 = "ABCD"
str2 = "PQR"
for i in range(4):
8. Use else with for loop in python
- for loop must have 'break' statement in it to use the 'else'.
- example: find the number in the list that is divisible by 2
digits = [7, 3, 5, 11]
for digit in digits:
if digit%2==0:
print('not found!')
9. Array in python
- Array is similar to list but must have elements of same datatype.
from array import *
# 'i' denotes the type of array i.e. integer
digits = array('i', [1,2,4,5,7])
# u denotes the unicode type array
unico = array('u', ["a","k","s","h","a","y"])
#copying array
digitcp = array(digits.typecode, [ a for a in digits])
#print array with for loop
for d in unico:
* These notes only meant to remind the basics of Python. These are not full notes.
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